
The PUMAS library allows one to transport muon or tau leptons by forward or backward Monte Carlo. The library is written in C99 with the standard library as sole dependency. PUMAS is thread safe by design. PUMAS can also be used in order to generate stopping power tables in the Particle Data Group (PDG) format. A compilation of tables generated with PUMAS is available from the pumas-materials repository.

Source and license

The PUMAS source is hosted on GitHub. It is available under the terms of the GNU LGPLv3 license. See the provided LICENSE and COPYING.LESSER files. The examples however have a separate public domain license allowing them to be copied without any restriction.


PUMAS physics results have been carefully validated through various tests including comparison to other Monte Carlo engines. Updates are unit tested using GitHub CI. However, PUMAS is software and bugs happen. Whenever you were (un)lucky to come accross one, please consider reporting it as a GitHub issue.


A detailed description of the PUMAS library, of its physics, its implementation and its validation, is published in Computer Physics Communications, as 10.1016/j.cpc.2022.108438 (2206.01457). The backward Monte Carlo method is specifically discussed in 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.04.001 (1705.05636).

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